Monday, February 8, 2010

Retail Thank You Note

The singers round Bullendorf introducing!

summer 2006 war die Planung des 2. Adventzaubers in der Kellergasse in Bullendorf voll im Gange. Es wurde versucht, eine Gesangsgruppe, einen Chor oder Ähnliches zu finden, welche unentgeltlich, nur für Speis und Trank zwei Auftritte absolvieren würden. Nachdem es nicht möglich war, eine Gruppe unter diesen Umständen aufzutreiben, wurde von mir die Idee geboren, selbst eine Sängerrunde auf die Füße zu stellen.

Durch Mundpropaganda wurde in der Ortschaft kundgetan, dass am 31. August 2006 ein Treffen von Gesangsinteressierten stattfinden werde. Nachdem zu diesen Treffen lediglich 8 Interessierte kamen, war die Enttäuschung groß. Trotzdem wurde ein neuer Versuch gestartet und ein neuer Termin mittels Mundpropaganda and passed by SMS and e-mail. See, at 06 September 2006 at 20.00 clock were actually 17 interested parties present.

The foundation stone was laid. Now it was a question of who should take over the vocal and musical direction of the round. It was initially sought the assistance of Gudrun. By Gudrun came on 08 November 2006 Birgit her sister to our pile of singers. From then on it was uphill! Our name was created, the "singer-round bull village" took on forms that some traders were joined by still standardized songs wallets, scarves and ties were purchased and at 02 and 03 December 2009, it gave the first performances in the course of the 2nd Magic of Advent in the basement alley. A large
Part of the local population already knew of the existence of the "singer-round bull village", was naturally very curious, and gathered in front of the tent in the basement alley to listen to our 10 Christmas songs with partial guitar and keyboard accompaniment.
The joy was great on all sides, our two pre-Christmas shows were a success. During the event in the basement alley was pastor Ernst STEINDL approached the singer round the Christmas and asked for participation.

Christmas and New Year was all - what now?
The parents of the then First Communion children who were partly members of the singers round requested to participation Only the Holy Communion. Once all members said earlier, on 13 May 2006, after almost weekly rehearsals since mid-January, the Holy First Communion sung.

was followed by a performance and the design of the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the Cultural and Beautification Association Bull village where even the one I proposed and Birgit actually composed Bullendorf song first sung, design of songs afternoons in the retirement homes in Zistersdorf and Laa / Thaya, shaping the 3rd, 4th u. 5 Magic of Advent in the basement alley Christmas masses and participation of various companies Christmas party.

Because of the samples, performances and meetings We come every year to about 45-55 meeting. Votes from their own round even say a week is no meeting of the "singer-round Bullendorf" a dull week.
Our meetings and rehearsals are mostly in the former village school in Bull, partly held in the church basement or in the street.

Several participants from Bull's Village and from other places have already approached the singer round and asked for vocal shaping of one or the other wedding as well as some funerals. Since the majority of the members have declared their opposition, this was rejected as would have happened to the voluntary and joyful singing a commitment and stress.

is an important factor that our group that we are a community of interest and not a club and that we need no outside support. We are not a group that is based on profit or financial benefit is aligned. The reasons for the round to join the joy of singing, to maintain the friendships formed among themselves and other people, especially elderly, the sick and left alone to do for a short time a joy.

Each individual member is an important and indispensable component and an asset to the "singer-round Bullendorf! A notable and amazing fact ist, dass die Altersspanne der Mitglieder von 17 bis 62 Jahren reicht und trotzdem oder gerade deswegen ein super Klima herrscht und dass Werte wie Freundschaft, Hilfsbereitschaft und Kameradschaft vorbildlich gepflogen und hochgehalten werden.

Abschließend sei noch erwähnt, dass es eine „Sängerrunde-Bullendorf“ ohne unsere musikalische und gesangliche Leiterin, unser aller Freundin Birgit nicht geben kann und nicht geben wird. Wir hoffen, dass sie noch lange die Strapazen auf sich nimmt, weiterhin die -zig Kilometer zu uns kommt, weiterhin plant, textet und komponiert, weiterhin umschreibt, kopiert und und und ……………

Anfragen u. Auskunft bei Josef KOHZINA, Tel 0664/2551473, josef.kohzina @ .


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