Naive people, eBay and over-priced Apple keyboards
Today I again browsed on eBay , looking for an aluminum Apple Wireless Keyboard that I hoped there cheaper than buying anywhere else. At least I've found two dealers who this beautiful gem ebay moderately offer great rates in New .
Merchant 1
keyboard 88,00 Euro + 5,00 € Versand, a total of € 93.00 .
2 Keyboard € 83.90 plus € 4.99 shipping, totaling 88.80 €
Now one would think, I take the second dealer. But far from . If I go directly to the Apple Store , I see the same product for € 79.00 plus € 9.41 shipping, for a total of € 88.41 , where - would I at 100, - land purchase , the shipping would be free even. Either way, the keyboard is cheaper directly from Apple than in the eBay merchants . And - as I say from experience with other products on eBay - is not an isolated case . The apparent bargains on eBay is often the opposite, and often elsewhere to find cheaper.
course, so has revealed a further nimble research, there is the keyboard-effective but also at numerous other dealers have one or two cents, for example - believe it or not - even at the pharmacy Gravis for 78, € 99 plus € 4.99 shipping, so for 83.98 . So: Always double check! eBay is not always as cheap as one thinks.
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