Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How Do I Make An Edible Animal Cell With Jello

New member

Seit Anfang September 2010 haben wir erfreulicherweise ein neues Mitglied und gleichzeitig eine kräftige Stimme zur Unterstützung in unserer „Sängerrunde Bullendorf“. Wir begrüßen unsere Veronika J. vom ganzen Heart and do a lot of joy, fun and success in singing and playing music and happy hours in the circle of singing round and

among new friends!

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the occasion of the 40-year existence anniversary of the Cultural and Beautification Association of Bull village in 2007, has written lyrics for over operation of Josef KOHZINA, the musical director of "singers round Bullendorf" and everyone's friend Birgit HÖRWEIN, the first and only Bullendorf song , composed by the singer and round in the course of the anniversary celebrations of the Assumption, on 15 August 2007, in the tent in the alley at the basement Fuchsenweg, the local population presented by Bull village. This song has since been sung again and again at various events, occasions and appearances of the "singer Round Bull village" and a live audience, where

Monday, September 6, 2010

Menards Discount Countertops

sample and preparation for the Christmas performances

On Tuesday 31 August 2010 was the first meeting of the "singer-round bull Village after this year's summer break.
were the focus of the meeting the appointment of future samples as well as the rough program composition of the performances on the occasion of the 6th Magic of Advent in the basement alley, with the selection of songs and lots more.
The meeting was utilized to that some members of the round, who celebrated her birthday in the summer break to congratulate, and subsequently raise the glass on the anniversary.
Once a young lady from our immediate environment had expressed interest to participate in the "round Bullendorf singer" was unanimously decided that from now on J. Veronica will be singing with us and be a part of the "singer-round bull village".
After the information about the project "Association of Forest" of the market town Wilfersdorf, has the majority of the members of the "singer round-Bull village" for the purchase and planting of a club tree of singers round-Bullendorf pronounced the more their amount of active to afford environmental protection.
Nevertheless, we are still a few weeks of the Advent and Christmas were started with the sample and are already singing Christmas carols.