Sunday, December 26, 2010

Liners For Square Cupcake


was on invitation of our pastor Dean Ernst STEINDL it for the "singer round-Bullendorf" a great joy, the celebration of this year's Midnight Mass in the Church of Bull village back to shape and
with church and Christmas music to . encircle
For Carol and Denise was also a matter of course, next to the vocal Contribute, offered free of charge and absolutely necessary for the support and frame to make the Christmas organ sounds - a super power, thanks in name of the entire local population and church community!
The "singer-round Bullendorf" want more quiet Schlankeltage
and a happy new year.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Cost For Vinyl Patio Roof

The "singer-round Bullendorf" want their friends and fans
a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Allergies And Pellet Stoves

Christmas party at the Kolping House Poysdorf

On 3 December 2010 was the "singer-round Bullendorf" invited shape of the Christmas Kolping Poysdorf. In the presence of Honour Church President Prof. Ludwig Zack, President of the Kolping Family Dechant Georg van Hořické, the Members of the Lower Austrian Landtag Manfred SCHULZ, several other special guests and a large number of people with special needs and their families it is the "singer round-Bull village together with the group "Integra Musica" managed to make the Kolping home Poysdorf the necessary Advent and Christmas mood. The group "Integra Musica" is a group of people with special needs from the Kolping Family Poysdorf. For the "singer-round Bullendorf" it was a shape joy
exactly this Christmas to be allowed.

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Swollen Fingers From Shoveling Snow

Magic of Advent in 2010

On 27 and 28 November 2010, was held on Fuchsenweg in Bullendorf,
the "6th Magic of Advent in the cellar lane instead.
On both days at 17.00 clock scratching, a few hundred fans and lovers of singing around the marquee. The "singer-round bull village had their performances. With 8 German songs, such as every year ..., the Andachtsjodler, Sweeter the bells. ... To the English songs, Christmas Lullaby, Happy X-Mas John Lennon, Merry christmas everyone, last Christmas a la Chris Heller, a varied range of popular Christmas carols and songs offered. We wish you a Merry Christmas and required the addition of Feliz navidad formed the conclusion of the nearly hour-long program.
The children of the singer played two carols round members on their block and flutes and reaped plenty of applause for it.
was between there two Christmas poems, performed by Michael, who led through the program.
plenty of support, it was another Wolfgang,
who played the keyboard in the usual manner.
words of gratitude on the part of the chairman of the Culture and Beautification Association, handing over a gift to the musical director Birgit and some group photos featured the actual end of the program dar.
Some members of the singer round provided in advance for a Christmas backdrop on the stage and the singers round had this year also support from the sing-along border Christ child Vroni.
The "singer-round Bullendorf" is once again succeeded in a large number of visitors to speak and move in the cellar lanes and so the success of this great event and the success of the "6 Magic of Advent in the basement alley "significantly participate.


Joe KO
0664/2551473 There
josef.kohzina @

's New on http://

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Which Is The Best Insulin Pump

club tree

On 23 October 2010 took place in the playground Hobersdorf the tree by the Joint Venture Club under the auspices of the initiator Hubert WEISZ EGGER initiated, planned and organized planting celebration and exposure of the forest association.
This project used by community-based Vereine als auch Privatpersonen 25 verschiedenartige, für unsere Gegend typische Bäume gepflanzt.
Diese Aktion soll einen Beitrag für aktiven Umweltschutz darstellen, die Verbundenheit der Vereine mit unserer Gemeinde zeigen und soll ein Österreichweites Vorzeigeprojekt werden.
Um ebenfalls ein Zeichen für aktiven Umweltschutz zu setzten, wurden seitens der „Sängerrunde-Bullendorf“ ebenfalls 150 Euro zum Ankauf eines Vereinsbaumes aufgebracht. Von Mitgliedern der „Sängerrunde Bullendorf“ wurde eine etwa drei Meter große Gemeine Esche gepflanzt. Der Baum wurde so wie alle anderen auch, mit einer Hinweistafel, mit dem Vereinslogo und Name mit Foto des Baumes versehen und wird in etwa 20 Jahren einen Crown diameter of about 11 meters reach. The trees are planted right next to the bike trail bike € 9 and can thus be viewed in a variety of cyclists, hikers and walkers walking and seen as a tree trail.
One item in the course of planting festival was held by our pastor Ernst STEINDL "Forest Prayer" with tree blessing. For the blessing of the priest tree was carried by two litter-bearers from tree to tree.
The present Member of the Parliament and Vice Mayor Carlo Wilford Joseph Tatzber and the initiator "Nimble Deer" Hubert WEISZ EGGER also directed their words of thanks and greetings to those present.
from the local youth war ein Ausschank mit kalten und warmen Speisen und Getränken eingerichtet. Eine Gruppe von Kindergartenkindern pflanzte mit erwachsener Unterstützung ebenfalls einen Baum. Adi BERTOLI spielte zur Begleitung auf seiner steirischen Harmonika. Durch das Programm führte der Obmann der ÖAMTC -Zweigstelle Mistelbach, Ing. Gerald FREUDENTHALLER.
Eine super Aktion – ein toller Tag!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How Do I Make An Edible Animal Cell With Jello

New member

Seit Anfang September 2010 haben wir erfreulicherweise ein neues Mitglied und gleichzeitig eine kräftige Stimme zur Unterstützung in unserer „Sängerrunde Bullendorf“. Wir begrüßen unsere Veronika J. vom ganzen Heart and do a lot of joy, fun and success in singing and playing music and happy hours in the circle of singing round and

among new friends!

Penis Waxing Buy Movie


the occasion of the 40-year existence anniversary of the Cultural and Beautification Association of Bull village in 2007, has written lyrics for over operation of Josef KOHZINA, the musical director of "singers round Bullendorf" and everyone's friend Birgit HÖRWEIN, the first and only Bullendorf song , composed by the singer and round in the course of the anniversary celebrations of the Assumption, on 15 August 2007, in the tent in the alley at the basement Fuchsenweg, the local population presented by Bull village. This song has since been sung again and again at various events, occasions and appearances of the "singer Round Bull village" and a live audience, where

Monday, September 6, 2010

Menards Discount Countertops

sample and preparation for the Christmas performances

On Tuesday 31 August 2010 was the first meeting of the "singer-round bull Village after this year's summer break.
were the focus of the meeting the appointment of future samples as well as the rough program composition of the performances on the occasion of the 6th Magic of Advent in the basement alley, with the selection of songs and lots more.
The meeting was utilized to that some members of the round, who celebrated her birthday in the summer break to congratulate, and subsequently raise the glass on the anniversary.
Once a young lady from our immediate environment had expressed interest to participate in the "round Bullendorf singer" was unanimously decided that from now on J. Veronica will be singing with us and be a part of the "singer-round bull village".
After the information about the project "Association of Forest" of the market town Wilfersdorf, has the majority of the members of the "singer round-Bull village" for the purchase and planting of a club tree of singers round-Bullendorf pronounced the more their amount of active to afford environmental protection.
Nevertheless, we are still a few weeks of the Advent and Christmas were started with the sample and are already singing Christmas carols.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Labor Or Indigestion?

afternoon barbecue and meeting

On Friday the 11th June 2010 were invited members of the "singer round-Bull village" by the parents of the year's first communion children, as a thank you for helping shape the first communion celebrations, at a barbecue in the afternoon, for which the singer would like to express sincere thanks. In nice weather it was
addition to the various delicacies from the grill and cold beer on tap, fine wine, some cake and more.
This meeting was also utilized by the singer round, upcoming performances, rehearsals, dates, etc. to discuss and clarify.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sims 2 Toddlers Hairstyles

Abschlußpräsentation 13. Juni

STADT IN ZUKUNFT fährt nach Hause!

Mit unserer mobilen Bühne haben wir eine Spielzeit lang Göttingen und Umgebung unsicher gemacht. Die Frage WIE WOLLEN WIR IN ZUKUNFT LEBEN? hat uns an allen acht Standorten begleitet. Lesungen, Hörspiele, Theaterstücke, Partys, Stadtführungen,... wir hatten ein ein volles Programm und das packen wir jetzt nochmal aus: Am 13. Juni wird die mobile Bühne auf dem Theaterplatz ein letztes Mal eröffnet.


13. Juni, Theaterplatz
Eintritt frei!

14:00 Eröffnung Ausstellung
Mobile Bühne: Schreibcontainer I - IV , UNTER UNS
Bistro, 1. Stock:
Bühnenbild meines Lebens
14:00 HOMEZONE - Eine Akademie der Dilettanten
14:30/15:30/16:30 ANDREA - Ein Grundriss aus Göttingen
17:30 EXPERTENGESPRÄCH - Ideen einer Stadt in Zukunft.
Mit Ulrich Holefleisch, Bürgermeister und Vorsitzender des Bauausschußes der Stadt Göttingen
Torsten Measure, the Federal Cultural Foundation
Uwe Scheibler, stadtundplanung Göttingen eV
Dr. Walter Girschner, sociology Profe
Liz Rech, Gängeviertel Hamburg

Sunday, June 6, 2010

What Is Cm Like Right Before Your Period

Das Wunschleben zusammenbasteln

Text: Jennifer Lepie

the workshop STAGE OF YOUR LIFE made students of Göttingen Albani Elementary School with the set designer Stefan Mutschler and drama teachers Mirko Schombert their little dream worlds. The works were in school in an exhibition presented.

build their own little world for themselves. A place where anything is possible and dreams come true. A place where you want to live like to create, - dreams of every child. For the students of class 4 at Göttingen Albani Elementary School this came true. The drama teacher Mirko Schombert and the set designer Stefan Mutschler made it possible.

In the week-long workshop set meines Lebens“ leiteten Mutschler und Schombert die neun- bis zehnjährigen Kinder an, ihre Wunschwelten zu bauen, basteln und zu kneten. Erste Entwürfe zeichneten die Viertklässler zunächst auf Papier. In einer handwerklichen Arbeit bauten die Kinder ihr Bühnenbild auf einer Fläche auf, etwa doppelt so groß wie ein Schuhkarton. Am vergangenen Freitag (4. Juni) präsentierten die jungen Bühnenbildner ihre Werke in der Albanischule den Eltern, Lehrern und allen Interessierten.

Anna and Alexandra have together created their "glittering world." It can be seen in the middle of the two girls as miniature figures on a stage show. "Here's our music and sometimes plays. We still want to be like stars. "Why they would like to be stars - clearly for the two:" Because there is always photographed, "said the quick response. Also on the enthusiastic audience willing students the basic thought: Before the stage is a series with hazelnut great white plasticine: "These are the VIP seats for special people. Behind it, the yellow seats, which are the normal, "said Alexandra radiant. Bobby the dog is placed with the two animal-loving girl on stage on a white sofa.

This is not thirsty and hungry live in the "glittering world" must, the girl a trick have built into their set. "This is a wishing well," says Alex, pointing to a small fountain, also from plasticine. "You can do the drink you would like to drink. And in the bushes, there's the food. "

early a stage goes on things get engineered. The boys Lennard, Conrad and Hoss have joined their "Flytown" tinkered. "This is an aircraft that is ten times larger than the A380," said the 10-year-old Lennard excited and typed on a Styrofoam role that is on the small runway. "Also, there's still a helicopter to fly fast. . And a Tower, which we crafted from a cardboard tube and Plexiglas "The pilot's request for Lennard is not in the first place:" I would much prefer to fly in my spare time "


The next stage is dominated by nature. A huge tree with thick trunk is immediately apparent. In the branches you see colorful hammocks and a tree house. Everything is on an island here, Angelina (10) have, Lara (10) and Leonie (10) and her stage picture "Fantasia" made: "There is also a small lake with water demand," said Angelina. But Lara warned: "But you have to be careful with the wishes. If it is desired, for example, to be an elephant, so it is his life. You may even want back "Logical -. Because a Elephant can not speak. "Only someone else can one do back then," said the ten year old.

a special trick also have included the three girls in her set. "If we look for example at the beginning of the summer holidays do on our island, we can be there six weeks. Then we want back to Earth and then have another six weeks of vacation. "The students are enthusiastic about their look and trick sich um die Wette.

Der Bühnenbildner Steffen Mutschler ist ebenso begeistert. Resümierend lobt er die Verhaltensweise der Kinder: „Sie zeigten eine hohe soziale Kompetenz und waren engagiert bei der Sache.“ Durch gegenseitige Vorschläge und Fragen hätten sie sich stets weitergebracht. „Es ist während des Workshops ein richtiger Diskurs entstanden. Das war toll!“

Die Bühnenbilder werden noch bis Donnerstag, den 10. Juni, in der Albanischule zu sehen sein. Danach sind sie im Foyer des Deutschen Theaters zu bewundern.