Das Wunschleben zusammenbasteln Text: Jennifer Lepie the workshop STAGE OF YOUR LIFE made students of Göttingen Albani Elementary School with the set designer Stefan Mutschler and drama teachers Mirko Schombert their little dream worlds. The works were in school in an exhibition presented.
build their own little world for themselves. A place where anything is possible and dreams come true. A place where you want to live like to create, - dreams of every child. For the students of class 4 at Göttingen Albani Elementary School this came true. The drama teacher Mirko Schombert and the set designer Stefan Mutschler made it possible.
In the week-long workshop set meines Lebens“ leiteten Mutschler und Schombert die neun- bis zehnjährigen Kinder an, ihre Wunschwelten zu bauen, basteln und zu kneten. Erste Entwürfe zeichneten die Viertklässler zunächst auf Papier. In einer handwerklichen Arbeit bauten die Kinder ihr Bühnenbild auf einer Fläche auf, etwa doppelt so groß wie ein Schuhkarton. Am vergangenen Freitag (4. Juni) präsentierten die jungen Bühnenbildner ihre Werke in der Albanischule den Eltern, Lehrern und allen Interessierten.
Anna and Alexandra have together created their "glittering world." It can be seen in the middle of the two girls as miniature figures on a stage show. "Here's our music and sometimes plays. We still want to be like stars. "Why they would like to be stars - clearly for the two:" Because there is always photographed, "said the quick response. Also on the enthusiastic audience willing students the basic thought: Before the stage is a series with hazelnut great white plasticine: "These are the VIP seats for special people. Behind it, the yellow seats, which are the normal, "said Alexandra radiant. Bobby the dog is placed with the two animal-loving girl on stage on a white sofa.
This is not thirsty and hungry live in the "glittering world" must, the girl a trick have built into their set. "This is a wishing well," says Alex, pointing to a small fountain, also from plasticine. "You can do the drink you would like to drink. And in the bushes, there's the food. "
early a stage goes on things get engineered. The boys Lennard, Conrad and Hoss have joined their "Flytown" tinkered. "This is an aircraft that is ten times larger than the A380," said the 10-year-old Lennard excited and typed on a Styrofoam role that is on the small runway. "Also, there's still a helicopter to fly fast. . And a Tower, which we crafted from a cardboard tube and Plexiglas "The pilot's request for Lennard is not in the first place:" I would much prefer to fly in my spare time "
The next stage is dominated by nature. A huge tree with thick trunk is immediately apparent. In the branches you see colorful hammocks and a tree house. Everything is on an island here, Angelina (10) have, Lara (10) and Leonie (10) and her stage picture "Fantasia" made: "There is also a small lake with water demand," said Angelina. But Lara warned: "But you have to be careful with the wishes. If it is desired, for example, to be an elephant, so it is his life. You may even want back "Logical -. Because a Elephant can not speak. "Only someone else can one do back then," said the ten year old.
a special trick also have included the three girls in her set. "If we look for example at the beginning of the summer holidays do on our island, we can be there six weeks. Then we want back to Earth and then have another six weeks of vacation. "The students are enthusiastic about their look and trick sich um die Wette.
Der Bühnenbildner Steffen Mutschler ist ebenso begeistert. Resümierend lobt er die Verhaltensweise der Kinder: „Sie zeigten eine hohe soziale Kompetenz und waren engagiert bei der Sache.“ Durch gegenseitige Vorschläge und Fragen hätten sie sich stets weitergebracht. „Es ist während des Workshops ein richtiger Diskurs entstanden. Das war toll!“
Die Bühnenbilder werden noch bis Donnerstag, den 10. Juni, in der Albanischule zu sehen sein. Danach sind sie im Foyer des Deutschen Theaters zu bewundern.