Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Future Pricingproblems Formulas

belongings back quite a lot of new things

Credits: Space Boys by MK Design;
The Pictures were taken last Sunday by the arm mountain.
Credits: Temptation by Sunflowers@hotspotscraps.com and digital-scrapbook-art.com;
Here we have looked at an old castle on Castle Hill in Waldeck.
Credits: Jan Malte by Dark Angel @ Scrapworld24; These pictures we made at the castle.

Credits: strong guy - sweet dreamer by Jeann Gaidecki; Bastian paint the Easter eggs. Very concentrated.
Credits: Little Prince by Jemi; Long, long ago's. Our wedding photo.
Credits: Cherry Kiss by Sunflowers; tanjadeskins_Sultry Afternoon; Gentle Days by Fabella, overlay by MK Design, The Smell of Spring by MK Design; (some colored) Credits: Sea Life by MK Design; The smell of spring by MK Design;
Credits: A touch of spring by Kerstin;
We should scrap this our star signs.
Credits: Sea Life I and II, by MK Design;

Again a Schenki for MissMinx;
Credits: Cherry Kiss by Sunflowers; This photo is a bit dated. Our Tobias with the grandmother.
Credits: Kirsty08-BoyzWillBeBoyz; Credits: Little Dreamer by Jansoch design;
This Easter still photos stamen of 2007. This year we had, unfortunately, "White Easter". There was nothing out there looking to nest. Thus, we do not have such beautiful photos.
Credits: Bold Boy by Sun &Jan; And this is my family.
Credits: The Circle of Life by Manuela Zimmermann; Template by Hannah;
A Schenki again for Anja. Credits: Cherry Kiss by Sunflowers I + II, WA Love Songs by stern dwarfs; Also this is a Schenki for Anja and simultaneously become for Knuffelmami. Credits: Cherry Kiss I + II by Sunflowers@hotspotscraps.com and digital-scrapbook-art.com; Template 38 by Sano and Design@Scrapworld24.de Isyndra &Friends; Und hier nochmal ein Schenkie für Ann-Charlotte und ihren kleinen Thore.
Credits: Temptation by Sunflowers @ hotspotscraps.com and digital-scrapbook-art.com;
Und zum Schluß noch ein Schenkie für Zweimäuse.

Credits: Farbenfrohe Welt by Jersey; WA by Bantina;

Monday, April 7, 2008

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Vol.2

My new LOs for my CTs

Credits: Justins Life by JeMi; Template 38 by SaNo Design @ Scrapworld24 and Isyndra&Friends;
Credits: Waiting for Spring by Sarah Design @ hotspotscraps and Scrapworld24;
Das sind schon etwas ältere Bilder, als wir unseren Tobias were in the pediatric clinic.
Credits: Guardian Angel and Justin's Life by Jemi; Template by Sano Design @ Scrapworld24 and Isyndra &Friends;
Credits: Waiting for Spring by Sarah Design @ hotspotscraps and Scrapworld24;
Credits: Girls Revival and Cardboard Boxed Words by Sunflowers@hotspotscraps.com and digital-scrapbook-art.com;
Our Tobias is now since 30 March without support cycling.
Credits: Incredible Fun by Gisela B; Template 38 by Sano and Design @ Scrapworld24 Isyndra &Friends;

This LO is a Schenki for manuela. Ihre kleine Tochter Hannah.

Credits: Girls Revival und Cardboard Boxed Words by Sunflowers @ hotspotscraps.com and digital-scrapbook-art.com;
Tobias in der Weidenkathedrale.

Credits: My Boy by Sarah Design @ Scrapworld24 and hotspotscraps;

Credits: Girls Revival by Sunflowers @ hotspotscraps.com and digital-scrapbook-art.com; WA by Bantina;

Install Slate Tile On Wallboard

We again have gifts given

Wir haben wieder mal super tolle LOs geschenkt bekommen. Aber seht selber. Dieses LO hat uns Sabrina beim Osterwichteln gemacht.
Credits: KIT No 15 by ON Designs @ scrapbookgraphics;

Und noch ein LO, dass uns Sabrina beim Wichteln gemacht hat. Ich find es superschön.

Credits: KIT No 15 by ON Designs @ scrapbookgraphics

Dieses supergeniale LO hat uns Uta geschenkt.

Credits: Incredible Fun &Layered Edges by Gisela B; WA by Bantina; Und noch so ein geniales Lo. Das haben wir von Flohbock bekommen.
Credits:Be a Boy by HSS-designers, türkis Gliteroverlay, Staple "boldBoys" by sun&jan;
Hiermit möchte ich mich nochmal ganz herlich bei euch allen für die hammerschönen Arbeiten bedanken. Ihr habt uns damit eine Riesenfreude gemacht. Vielen lieben Dank.

Difference Between High Performance Tires

A couple's gravel I have again made

Bei einer Osterwichtelei durft ich Uta und ihre Tochter Lena bewichteln.
Für die beiden sind die ersten drei LOs entstanden.
Credits: Schnick Schnack Girl Collection by Jeann G Design;

Credits: Promise Collection by Shabby Princess; WA by Bantina;

Credits: Moments by Fotosusu;
Hier kommen zwei lustige LOs für Anja.

Credits: Promise Collection by Shabby Princess;
And this is for fun LO Anja while for Knuffelmami.
Credits: Temptation by Sunflowers;

Another LO for Leonie of Knuffelmami.

Credits: Incredible fun by Gisela B;

This and the next two LOs are created for a Osterwichtelei for Jessy and her son Luca.

Credits: tanyjadeskins_SultryAfternoon;

Credits:: Colorfuldays by Fotosusu;, WA by Bantina
Credits Moments by Fotosusu;
And here I have a Schenki für Ann-Charlotte und ihren süssen Thore gemacht.

Credits: Bold Boy by Sun&Jan;